
The False statements about Periods we are fed with since Ages


The False statements about Periods we are fed with since Ages

Periods! Yes we are talking about “that time of the month”. Now you are all grown up, and completely comfortable with your periods. You know your regular cycle and the Pre, during & post periods effects that it makes to your body physically and mentally. Periods are completely the game of hormones so it varies from female to female. There are so many out there who does rot through those few days and pass through it smoothly while there are some other of us, who struggle through at least one-two days of the whole cycle.

All things considered, it is all a natural occurrence of the body and not much can be manipulated, and if tried many times turns out negatively back on us. But, everything said, there are so many notions that have been carried forward since centuries, at times scaring the newly stepped into puberty girls.

So make sure you talk to your daughter about periods when they reach around the age of 12-13years. We were surprised to find out that girls feel shy to talk about their periods to their mothers, so as a mother its your duty to bring the conversation on the table.

These are some of the myths which have being surrounding female section of society since forever.

1. Don’t wash your Hair when on Periods:-

Thank goodness this is a myth, since we can’t imagine giving up our daily shower, especially during our period. There’s no reason for you to change any of your regular grooming and hygiene habits just because you’re having your period. In fact, a warm bath or shower will help you stay clean, and some girls say it helps with their cramps, too.

2. Hot water increases your Flow:-

The good news and the bad news: particularly the only thing that will change your blood flow is your own particular body. So you can’t make it lighter (sad!), and you can’t make it heavier. Also, a decent warm bath or shower, or a boiling hot water bottle wrapped in a towel can help with cramps.

3. You Can’t get Pregnant during Periods:-

This isn’t valid, in spite of what many people accept. Tell your friends. Tell each female you know who’s sexually active or planning to be at any point in the near future. You CAN get pregnant amid your period. Once inside you, sperm can live for 3-5 days. Ovulation can happen amid, or before long, the bleeding stage. On the off chance that you would prefer not to get pregnant, either don’t have intercourse, or utilize anti-conception medication each and every time you do.

4. Stay on Bed Rest during Periods:-

Without a doubt, you ought to get a lot of rest amid your period, however you ought to dependably get a lot of work out, as well. You’ll feel better in the event that you get up and get out there (particularly since exercise has been appeared to reduce cramps and light up your mood)!

5. Irregular Periods will result in failure in Pregnancy:-

To start with, talk with your doctor in the event that you’ve missed your period. It can take anywhere in the range of 6 months to a year to end up normal after the first occasion when you get it. What’s more, for a few young ladies, it never turns out to be totally consistent. There are lots of things, including stress, sickness and extreme work out, that can disturb your cycle. That is the reason you ought to counsel a heath proficient first. Check out some of the common culprits for missing a period.

6. Virgins shouldn’t use tampons:-

The myth is that girls who haven’t had sex will find wearing tampons painful. This isn’t true, although levels of comfort depend on the person. For example, some girls prefer to use tampons with plastic applicators because they glide in smoothly. Another concern is that tampons can somehow “take away your virginity.” It may sound silly, but remind your daughter that the only way she can lose her virginity is by having sex. If she’s new to tampons and pantiliners, get a variety pack of each so she can try different sizes and styles.

7. Menstrual Blood is different from Regular blood:-

Menstrual blood is regular blood. This myth probably gained traction because menstrual blood flows from the vagina. And because vaginas are a normal part of the female body, there’s nothing unusual or wrong with menstrual blood. And did you know it has no odor? Now that’s a fact!

So, stay aware and spread it around!


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